速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Al-Salam Passenger

Al-Salam Passenger



檔案大小:141.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 義大利文, 英語, 荷蘭文

Al-Salam Passenger(圖1)-速報App

Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit. Al-Salam (AS) private limited will an app-based small level taxi service that connects people to rides in a matter of minutes, at the tap of a button. It provides reliable, safe, convenient and affordable transport. Al-Salam’s mission shall to simplify people’s lives through reliable, convenient, and affordable urban transport. The company will initially set a target to increase twenty percent of revenue each year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals. The company will ambitious to pioneer a new standard in public transit.

Al-Salam Passenger(圖2)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖3)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖4)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖5)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖6)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖7)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖8)-速報App

Al-Salam Passenger(圖9)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad